New Castle (façade)
The refurbishment of the façade of Neue Burg (wing of the Imperial Palace, in English: "New Castle"), which faces Burggarten Park, was completed in November 2020.
The ultimate part of this historic stone façade facing Burggarten Park was carefully sandblasted between May and October. Approximately 18 tons of sand were needed for this. After it has been cleaned, it was laboriously restored.
All evidence – i.e. dark stains and discolouration – of environmental impact are gone now. Neue Burg can be presented to visitors in its best light once again.

Accessibility of the Congress Centre
The installation of the lift in the Swiss Wing of the Imperial Palace Vienna, which will create a barrier-free entrance, is completed. The lift and its shaft have already been installed. Furthermore, rails have been added to the stairways and the new bathrooms received their finishing touches. They are meant to be for the visitors of the Court Music Chapel (Hofmusikkapelle).
This project is an important step towards universal access which is to the benefit of all the visitors to the Imperial Palace and the Congress Center.
Thanks to Department 302, Old Castle, for the work done.