Baumanagement I

Burghauptmann deputy Markus Wimmer
photo: BHÖ


Deputy Burghauptmann Markus Wimmer

Hofburg, Schweizerhof
1010 Vienna

Telephone: (+43) 1 536 49-814 542
FAX: (+43) 1 536 49-814 592
E-Mail: office


Building Management I oversees organisation and controlling of building projects regarding the Imperial Palace Vienna as well as the properties situated in Styria and Tyrol:

  • tendering and procurement of tangible and non-tangible works and services,
  • competitions and public tenders in accordance with the Federal Public Procurement Act (Bundesvergabegesetz),
  • Communication with Bundesdenkmalamt (Federal Monuments Office), authorities and civil engineers,
  • Compilation and implementation of the building framework programme,
  • Planning and realisation of maintenance and repair works,
  • Supervision of properties as a representative of the owner,
  • Property management in terms of structural issues,
  • Local construction supervision and building inspection as well as technical and executive management,
  • Supervision and acceptance of works and services,
  • Advisory and consulting body for the users of the properties.