Triumphal Arch
6020 Innsbruck, Maria Theresien-Straße
General and Historic Information
The Innsbruck Triumphal Arch is among the most renowned sights of Tyrol. It was built in 1765 at the southern gate of the town on the occasion of the wedding of Archduke Leopold (Maria Theresa’s and Francis Stephen of Lorraine’s third son) and the Spanish princess Maria Ludovica. In conjunction with the wedding celebrations, Innsbruck was assigned a number of preparations. Streets and sidewalks had to be repaired and streets light had to be improved. Accommodation had to be created and the town moat that had become meaningless had to be filled. During these modernisations, the Suburb gate at the exit of the old town towards Maria-Theresien-Straße Street was removed. The cuboidal blocks that remained were used as construction material for the Triumphal Arch; Constantin Walter was in charge of design, using the templates for the Constantine Arch, and he was also the site manager for the construction of these triumphal arches. The sculptural decorations were created by Johann Gahenauer, but due to lack of time, he only created makeshift versions made of wood and plaster. After the death of Emperor Francis Stephen on August 18th, 1765, the marble version that had already been planned was re-done. The northern side of the Arch commemorates the Emperor's death. In 1774, sculptor Balthasar Moll was commissioned with the completion of the Triumphal Arch.
The Triumphal Arch is open to the public.
Burghauptmannschaft Österreich – Departments in charge:
Building Management Dep. 305 – Building Management Innsbruck
HVAC Dep. 305 – Building Management Innsbruck
Administration Dep. 202 – Imperial Palace Innsbruck