Gusen Concentration Camp

4222 St. Georgen an der Gusen (640,826)
General and Historic Information
The construction of Concentration Camp Gusen started in December 1939. By May 1940, it had become an official satellite camp of the Mauthausen concentration camp. At least 71,000 prisoners from 27 countries were held captive there and about half of them died before the camp was liberated in May 1945.
Shortly after its liberation on May 5th, 1945, the camp started to vanish: The structural remains were removed and destroyed. At the end of the 1950s, construction started on a housing estate on the grounds of the former camp.
International prisoner associations initiated the construction of the Gusen Memorial to ensure that the past was not forgotten. It is placed where the crematorium oven once was. The memorial was inaugurated in May 1965.
The Gusen Memorial was generally refurbished in 2002. In 2004, a new visitor centre opened to the public. The exhibition unveils the buried remnants of the former camp and consolidates the scattered parts of the camp.
(Source: exhibition folder Concentration Camp Gusen 1939-1945, Spuren – Fragmente - Rekonstruktionen, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Dep. IV/7/a)
Federal Ministry of the Interior
mauthausen memorial - Gusen concentration camp memorial site
Burghauptmannschaft Österreich – Departments in charge:
Building Management Department 403 - Schönbrunn
HVAC Department 403 - Schönbrunn
Property Management Department 201 - Administration