Finanz- und Hofkammerarchiv (imperial archives)

Johannesgasse 6, 1010 Vienna
General and historic information
The former imperial archive (Hofkammerarchiv), which has been legally succeeded by the Austrian State Archives, is the oldest archive in Vienna. It was first mentioned in 1578. The Imperial Chamber (Hofkammer) was founded in 1525 by Archduke Ferdinand, and became the central/main financial authority of the Habsburg Monarchy, administering and storing its certificates, files and ledgers.
Under Maria Theresa (1717-1780) it became a super ministry, which was charged with the financial administration as well as economics, trade, mining, building, loans and monetary matters, and transport. A reorganisation in 1848 led to the Imperial Chamber ceding its power to separate ministries. The imperial archive did not lose its name, however, and became a subordinate body to the financial ministry.
The new building, which is located in Johannesgasse 6, went into operation in the revolutionary year of 1848. This gem of the Biedermeier architectural style was designed by famous architect Paul Sprenger. Back then, Franz Grillparzer headed the archive and was in charge of the relocation. His office on the second floor has been preserved in the state he left it in 1859. Even the lectern, where he used to write his dramas, is still there to date. It is the only Biedermeier room which has been preserved in its original form and can be visited free of charge in Vienna.
Finanz- und Hofkammerarchiv
Burghauptmannschaft Österreich – Departments in charge:
Building Management Dep. 402 – Winter Palace
HVAC Dep. 402 – Winter Palace
Administration Dep. 201 – Administration
Telephone Dep. 103 – Telecommunications