Charterhouse Mauerbach (former Carthusian Monastery)

3001 Mauerbach, Kartäuserplatz 1
General and historical information
The Charterhouse of the Carthusian Order, which was founded by King Frederick the Fair (1289-1330) in 1314, is deemed to be one of the largest and most important historic buildings in Lower Austria. After it had been damaged during the Neulengbach earthquake in 1590 and the Ottoman sieges in 1529 and 1683, the premises were reconstructed in the Baroque style.
When the Charterhouse was dissolved by Emperor Joseph II (1741–1790), the facility became a supply facility of the municipality of Vienna as well as a homeless shelter.
It has been the property of the Federal Republic of Austria since 1961 and has been used by the Austrian federal monuments office of Bundesdenkmalamt since 1984, more precisely, by its restoration department (since 1984) and its archaeological department (since 2003).
The building has been gradually refurbished; its revitalisation is an ongoing process, featuring highest heritage and restoration standards.
Burghauptmannschaft Österreich – Departments in charge:
Building Management Department 404 - Ballhausplatz
HVAC Department 404 - Ballhausplatz
Property Management Department 201 - Administration