Regierungsgebäude ("Government building")

Regierungsgebäude (
photo: Burghauptmannschaft Österreich

Stubenring 1, 1010 Vienna
Former War Ministry (690.022)

General and Historical Facts

This monumental building featuring the Late Historicist style was built by Ludwig Baumann between 1909 and 1913. It was considered to be one of the most modern office buildings at that time. The building was used as ministry building between1918 and 1938; as of 1925, it also housed RAVAG, the first broadcasting channel of Austria.  It became a military building in 1938 and was used as such until 1945. The Classicist main façade was severely damaged in the Second World War. Subsequently, it lost its highly expressive roof shape when it was restored between 1949 and 1952. Since then, the building has been home to a number of ministries. By way of example, it became the seat of the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry for Social Affairs and the Federal Ministry for Trade and Reconstruction in 1952. As of 1990, extensive construction works were carried out in consideration of heritage conservation.

Today, the building accommodates four ministries

In 1912, the Radetzky Memorial was moved from its original place at the former War Ministry at Am Hof to the government building at Stubenring Road 1. The monument was created by Caspar von Zumbusch for field marshal John Joseph Wenceslaus Anthony Francis Charles, Count Radetzky of Radetz between 1886 and 1892.

The main entrance in the front features a red marble base with a double-headed eagle designed by George Niemann. Its inscription above shows a quote from a poem by Grillparzer: "In deinem Lager ist Österreich". The reliefs by Hans Bitterlich feature Radetzky at the war council amidst his generals to the left, as well as his father amidst some soldiers to the right. There are two fountains positioned laterally: Pedestals with water-spouting lion heads, above which rests the double-headed eagle on top of Corinthian columns.


Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management
Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

Burghauptmannschaft Österreich – Departments in charge:
Building Management: Dep. 405 – Government Building
HVAC: Dep. 306 – HVAC
Property Management: Dep. 201 – Administration
Telephone: Dep. 103 – Telecommunications