
With the Hofburg in Innsbruck as a pilot site, Burghauptmannschaft Österreich was involved in the project "OrbEEt - Organizational Behaviour improvement for Energy Efficiency public adminsTrative buildings".

Logo OrbEEt - Organizational Behaviour improvement for Energy Efficiency public adminsTrative buildings
photo: OrbEEt

Organisational behaviour improvement for Energy Efficiency public adminstrative buildings

In this project, funded by H2020, the following topics are investigated:

  • Effect of business process optimisation on building energy use data and use for systematic and holistic management of organisational energy performance.
  • Combining mature technological solutions and products, proven and validated data analysis techniques, and an efficient non-intrusive IT sensor cloud system to collect workplace-related sensor data and integrate it into a holistic energy consumption analysis tool.

The OrbEEt project shifts the focus from using technology, funding or changing individual employee behaviour to an integrated approach. This approach relies on new and enhanced approaches to operational rating, which together with the structural workplace framework (Workplace Dynamics) and shared and networked collaboration/rewards (Social Collaboration/Rewards); using gamification to intensively engage stakeholders and sustainably increase energy efficiency in public buildings.

The key objectives here are:

  • Introduce intelligent real-time assessment of building-related energy impacts and identify previously unknown aspects of energy-related organisational behaviour in business operations.
  • Establish an innovative IT ecosystem that enables the widespread use of Cleanweb solutions.
  • Promote active action to improve energy efficiency through public and social engagement
  • Introduce open innovation for the real deployment and validation of the OrbEEt framework.

The activities in the project were:

  • Selection of suitable room areas in the Hofburg Innsbruck (rooms for museum operations, events and offices).
  • Collection of the organisational, energy-related and infrastructural basic data for the selected room areas (plans, floor areas of the rooms, number of workplaces, number and type of devices used, number and type of radiators, number of sensors already present etc.).
  • Definition of the OrbEEt framework and the sensors and devices required for it
  • Procurement and installation of the sensors and devices
  • Installation of the OrbEEt framework
  • Survey of the business processes and identification of the potential for improvement
  • Preparation of the survey phase in the pilot locations

Involved partners:

  • Coordination: Solintel M&P
  • Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
  • BOC Asset Management GmbH
  • Coventry University
  • Hypertech
  • Balkanika Energy Ad
  • University hospital Erlangen
  • Ayuntamiento de Asparrena
  • Municipality of Pernik
  • Grindrop Ltd.

Find more information about the partners

EN-Logo FFG Forschung wirkt. Funded by FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency-
photo: FFG