Grillparzer shines in new splendour
Over some months, the Grillparzer monument in Vienna's Volksgarten has been renovated. Now the work has been completed - shortly before his 231st birthday on 15 January 2022.
During the renovation work, the marble from Lasa was carefully cleaned. In addition, damaged areas caused by weathering were removed from putties and joints, cracks were glued and missing areas were filled with veneers. Finally, the lettering was re-gilded.
"With the expert maintenance of culturally significant buildings, Burghauptmannschaft Österreich makes a significant contribution to strengthening Austria as an economic and tourism location and in the process promotes the traditional craftsmanship urgently needed for preservation," says Burghauptmann Reinhold Sahl.
The monument, which was ceremoniously unveiled in 1889, shows the famous writer and dramatist sitting in front of a wall with reliefs from his most famous dramas. For visitors from all over the world, it is a fixed point on their walk through Vienna's Volksgarten.